Earthbending (U11)

by Davi3684 and LeoVanceMusic for

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A free mod for Blade & Sorcery, by Davi3684 and LeoVanceMusic.

Earthbending (U11) is a free action-packed 3D game. The world of the game is full of interesting places, like forests, deserts, and snowy lands. The main character is an earth-bender, and his main goal is to save the planet Earth. To do so, he will have to defeat various enemies, like other earthbenders, monsters, and other strange creatures. In addition, the game has an interesting story, and the main character will be able to find a lot of new and useful things along the way.

How to play Earthbending (U11)

The game is full of different abilities, and it is up to you to decide which one to use. In order to use an ability, you will have to select it on both hands and use it.

The game is full of different elements, like gravity, lightning, ice, fire, and earth. Each element will have its own properties, and you will have to learn to use each one of them.

The game has a tutorial map, which will help you to learn how to use each ability.