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e-saudeSP: A Health Platform for Citizens in Sao Paulo

e-saudeSP is an iPhone application developed by the Secretaria Municipal de Saude da Cidade de Sao Paulo. This free app is designed to help citizens of Sao Paulo access and record their health information easily. It integrates and provides all the necessary health information required for the SUS (Unified Health System) within the municipal area of Sao Paulo. With this app, users can record their daily health data, including blood pressure, capillary glycemia, weight, allergies, and continuous medication use. Additionally, the app provides useful health information, official guidelines from the Secretaria Municipal de Saude, storage of patient’s clinical history, and geolocation to find health units. The app is also configured with clinical protocols from the Secretaria Municipal de Saude to address citizens with COVID-19 symptoms. This feature enables users to receive the best guidance for their health conditions, facilitating access to medical consultation and reducing the number of people in health units.