Dying Light 2 No Post Processing Effects Mod

by Nexus Mods for Windows 8.1

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Improve Daylight 2 graphics with this mod

Dying Light 2 No Post Processing Effects Mod is a free game utility from Nexus Mods. As it says on the tin, this is a mod that allows players to remove some post-processing effects from the zombie survival game. It lets you tweak how the game looks to suit your preference.

Dying Light 2 No Post Processing Effects is not a traditional mod. What it does is allows players to edit data files where the developers kept variables for the game’s effects. With this, you have the option to remove what you don’t like and retain what you wish to keep. 

How do you use the app?

Dying Light 2 is an open-world game that challenges players to survive in a zombie-infested land. The game, which was recently released, immediately gained wide popularity, especially for fans of the first Dying Light game. Sadly, the chromatic aberration and other post-processing effects did not sit well with some PC gamers. And while usually, you can turn this off, the second game does not come with the option.

Dying Light 2 No Post Processing Effects Mod is a mod that lets you tweak how the game looks by turning off chromatic aberration. More than that, you can also disable anamorphic lens flares, sharpness, dirty lens, and barrel lens distortion. Additionally, the app lets you change the depth of field and remove blurry raindrops on-screen and speed lines when running.

The app is not a traditional mod as it allows you to edit data files instead of adding new content. It lets you delete the corresponding effect file you don’t want from the ph folder. Once done, you can copy and paste the modified folder to the Dying Light 2 installation folder, where the game is installed. This also means that you can keep some effects that you actually enjoy.

Should you download it?

If you are a player who does not enjoy the visuals of the original Daylight 2, then Dying Light 2 No Post Processing Effects Mod is for you. With it installed, you can remove various post-processing effects from the game by deleting them from the data file. Moreover, you have the option to retain some that you like. However, finding the file for a particular effect can be cumbersome.