Draw Coliseum

by Dwango Co. Ltd. for iOS 12.1.2

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Draw Coliseum: A Thrilling Spinning Top Battle Game

Draw Coliseum is a free game developed by Dwango Co. Ltd. for iPhone users. It is a super fun and thrilling spinning top battle game where you need to draw a blade for your spinning top and fight against your opponent. The game has a unique concept of claiming fight money to upgrade the speed, power, and ink for the blade of your spinner.

The game is easy to play and offers a great user experience. You can customize your spinner by choosing from a variety of colors and shapes for the blade. The game has a multiplayer mode where you can challenge your friends and family members and show off your spinning top skills. The game also has a single-player mode where you can play against the computer.

Overall, Draw Coliseum is an addictive game that offers hours of entertainment. It is perfect for anyone who loves spinning tops and wants to experience the thrill of battle.