Dragon Valley

by Free Pixel Games Ltd for iOS 12.1.2

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Dragon Valley: A Dragon Fighting and Crafting Game

Dragon Valley is a free RPG adventure game developed by Free Pixel Games Ltd. that allows players to embark on a magical journey filled with exciting dragons. The game offers an immersive experience where players can build habitats, buy and level up dragons, evolve them and take them to the battlefield.

One of the most impressive features of Dragon Valley is the wide variety of dragons available to players. Each dragon has its own unique abilities and characteristics, making the game more exciting and engaging. Players can level up their dragons by feeding them and evolve them to make them even more powerful.

The game also offers a crossbreeding feature that allows players to breed different types of dragons, creating new and more powerful breeds. This feature adds another layer of depth to the game and makes it even more enjoyable.

Overall, Dragon Valley is an excellent game for anyone who loves RPG adventure games and dragons. With its immersive gameplay, exciting dragons, and crossbreeding feature, it is sure to keep players engaged for hours on end.