Can you breed the perfect dragon?
Have you ever dreamed of breeding dragons for fighting? Probably not but in Dragon Mania, that’s exactly what you have to do.
Become the ultimate dragon breeder
Dragon Mania challenges you to train your dragons and battle against friends or team-up with them to defeat hordes of enemies and become the “Ultimate Dragon Breeder”. There are many dragons to choose from and each one has 11 special attributes. You must combine dragons to create new breeds, improve their habitats and make them stronger to emerge victorious from the battle.
Sometimes freezes during play
Dragon Mania is easy enough to play but seems full of bugs. For instance, the latest update introduced a radiant beam but when you use it, the game tends to freeze or crash. Coupled with several other unexpected crashes and freezes while playing means that Dragon Mania looks great but unfortunately doesn’t play very well.
Addictive but buggy
Dragon Mania is fun and addictive to play but the bugs and crashes soon become annoying.
This program can no longer be downloaded. Take a look at Dragon Mania Legends instead.