Dino 3D Shooting Offline Games

by Aurelian Game Studio for Android 13.0

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Dino 3D Shooting Offline Games: An Action-Packed Dinosaur Hunting Adventure

Dino 3D Shooting Offline Games, developed by Aurelian Game Studio, is a thrilling action game available on Android. The game is set in the jungle of the Dinosaur Era, where a group of people is sent to take down deadly dinosaurs using advanced weapons. The game offers two modes: Campaign and Survival. In Campaign mode, you will be assigned different missions to shoot deadly dinosaurs, and in Survival mode, you have to save yourself from attacking dinosaurs.

The game has a variety of deadly dinosaurs, and you need to upgrade your weapons according to their size and strength. The in-game currency can be earned by shooting the deadly targets, which can be used to buy advanced guns and upgrade your weapon’s performance. The game has easy shooting controls and offers a first-person shooting (FPS) experience.

Moreover, Dino 3D Shooting Offline Games offers awesome 3D environments and sound effects that make the dinosaur hunting experience more realistic. The game is playable offline, and you don’t need an internet connection to play. Overall, if you are a fan of dinosaur hunting games, Dino 3D Shooting Offline Games is a must-try.