Dhikr Garden Dhikr Counter

by elfida.net for Android 9.0

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Dhikr Garden Dhikr Counter: Cultivate a Habit of Remembering Allah

Dhikr Garden Dhikr Counter is a free Android application developed by elfida.net that falls under the educational game category. This app aims to help users develop a habit of remembering Allah (swt) and grow a virtual dhikr tree in the process. The app is compatible with Android 9.0 and does not require an internet connection to use.

The app offers pre-installed dhikr assignments, which users can attend to, or they can set their own personal assignments. Dhikr Garden Dhikr Counter provides a screen-off mode that enables users to use the app without having to keep their screens on. With this app, users can develop a habit of remembering Allah (swt) and cultivate a virtual garden in the process.