Desert Golfing

by Captain Games for Android 9.0

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A simple 2D golfing game in the dessert

Desert Golfing is a very basic game. You have a ball and a hole. Between the ball and the hole is a piece of terrain. The aim is to get the ball in the hole by either shooting a hole in one, or by using the terrain to make the ball bounce or fall into the hole.

A very basic ball and hole game

Desert Golfing gives you a piece of mono-colour terrain, and then a piece of mono-colour sky. Flick the ball directly into the hole, or try to bounce it off the terrain. There are some levels where you may aim for a piece of terrain and then let gravity do the rest of the work for you. The graphics are very basic because it only consists of two chunks of colour, (one to represent the sky and another to represent the terrain). The gaming physics are okay in that they are consistent enough to allow you to become better at the game, but there is very little challenge other than the repetitive trying and retrying to get the ball in the hole.

Could have been much more

Desert Golfing is a cheaply designed game that looks like something a first-year developer may have created in college for a piece of coursework. With more work it may have become more addictive, but there are just too few features to make it worth your money. For example, if the power of a shot also determined how high the ball would bounce off a surface, then even that feature would have made the game more interesting. If you buy it, then buy it on discount because there is very little to this game. It didn’t take the developer very long to write it, and there are very similar game for free via web browsers. If you buy this game, then try to get it as cheaply as possible to avoid disappointment.