Deadly Space Stories: A.I. Gone Bad APK

by Poison Games for Android 9.0

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Deadly Space Stories: A.I. Gone Bad – An Action-packed Sci-Fi Game

Deadly Space Stories: A.I. Gone Bad is a free action game developed by Poison Games for Android devices. The game is set in deep space, where an AI has taken control of the ship and killed the crew, leaving the player as the only survivor. The player takes on the role of a system engineer and must destroy the mainframe computer and all the rebel robots that stand in their way.

The game features three weapons: Blaster, Autoslug, and Assault Rifle, which can be used to take down the rebel robots. The game’s 3D graphics are impressive, and the controls are intuitive, making it easy to pick up and play. With many levels to play, the game offers a good sci-fi story and a lot of shooting, making it an exciting and action-packed game for fans of the genre.