Dead Function

by Kill Idol for Windows 8

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A free donation-supported top-down RPG game

Dead Function is a cartoony-pixilated game that looks like it belongs in the 90s, but has the gameplay features and tropes of a modern game. It offers a fair story with a great soundtrack.

A top-down RPG style you will recognize

Fans of GameBoy games and old Zelda games will enjoy the way this game plays. Your character is pixilated, but it is more like the early 90s pixelation rather than the modern indie version of blocky pixilated. The scenery better than most modern indie games.

Quest in a small way

It may look like Zelda or early Pokemon, but this game is very scaled-down. You’re mostly bashing ghouls and helping people nearby who have errands for you to run. The story isn’t ambitious, which means it wraps up very neatly and without feeling rushed. Yet, its relatively small size means this game has no replay value.

Movement controls are fair

The sound quality is good and doesn’t come across as amateurish, and the controls are as smooth as a top-down adventure gets. This means it is not a simple Amiga-era up-down-left-right affair without variation. It is also not so hyper-reactive that you feel like you are moving an icon around a screen saver.

A great and yet short game

You can move easily from the simple tick-box quests of the villagers, to meeting the source of the problems and the ghouls. It doesn’t feel like a Triple-A title where you leave many quests unfinished as you head for the final boss. It is quite easy to progress through the game and the plot while tying up all the loose ends on the way.