Data Usage Monitor – Data Tool

by Appseen Studio for Android 13.0

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A full version program for Android, by Appseen Studio.

Data Usage Monitor – Data Tool is a handy utility that monitors the data usage of your smartphone. Its purpose is to allow you to track and manage your smartphone’s data usage in an easy and intuitive manner.

This utility can be used for any Android device, as it is compatible with both mobile phones and tablets.

How to use it?

In order to start using this utility, you need to install it first. You can do so by downloading it from Google Play.

After that, you need to open it and log in with your Google account. You will then be presented with the main screen of the app, which will have the option to start or to stop the monitoring of the data usage.

If you want to stop the monitoring, you need to click on the “Stop” button.

You will then be presented with the login screen. You need to log in with your Google account to be able to use this app.

After that, you will be presented with the main screen of the app.