
by Cyberpatrol for Windows NT

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Ultra vigilant patroller of internet usage

You can never be too safe when protecting your PC from misuse. Monitoring and logging for many is the first important step in taking control of their Internet access.

It clearly shows the surfing habits of users so you know exactly where they go online, at what time and for how long. With CyberPatrol, you can stop users from accessing harmful Internet content by blocking unsuitable websites, newsgroups and search engine images. It also allows you to impose automatic time restrictions on browsing activity which is particularly useful if you’ve got children that use your PC. For employers, it’s useful because it can restrict chatting to friends on IM clients such as Messenger, Trillian, Skype and G-Talk. These are probably two of the most important aspects of the program but it can do much more.

This is one hell of a comprehensive protection tool and will definitely be of interest to home users with children or employers with internet happy employees.

CyberPatrol is one of the most powerful and popular client-based, browser independent, Internet safety software solutions for Windows-based standalone PCs available today.

CyberPatrol 7.6 is designed to help an online generation get the most from the Internet! Just give it a go and see how it can protect your PC today.