Cut Out : Background Eraser an APK

by Appwallet Technologies for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Appwallet Technologies.

Are you someone who loves to take photos? If yes, then you must be wondering what is the best way to remove unwanted objects from your photos? Well, this app is for you!

Cut Out: Background Eraser an

Use this app to cut out any object, like a person, or a building, or a tree. Just draw the outline, and it will automatically remove the background. You can also erase the entire photo.

Now, if you want to swap faces, just cut one face, and then paste it on the other. Or if you want to remove the background, just cut the people out, and then you can paste them on another background.

You can also add text to your photos, with a wide range of font styles, colors, and sizes.