Covenant Eyes

by Covenant Eyes, Inc. for Windows 8.1

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Covenant Eyes is a screen accountability and surveillance service dedicated to combating pornography. It’s a worthy initiative to create a safe internet environment at home. With Covenant Eyes, parents will watch what their children see online, which ideally leads to important conversations about Internet use. While it is meant to deter children from watching porn, its techniques have also proven effective in the battle against porn addiction.

Do Covenant Eyes Work?

Covenant Eyes relies on an accountability-based service that is safe, secure, and assures that users can combat porn addiction. This follows a four-step routine for all users: screen recording, screenshot analysis, screenshot planning, and activity control. The first step records on-screen action daily and saves it to your computer. The program analyzes these screenshots for clear imagery using its sophisticated artificial intelligence. Both images are rated and blurred for your privacy.

Each screenshot is transmitted via HTTPS and AES 256 encryption. Any circumvented attempts and any similar activity will be forwarded to you and your Ally. Allies are your trusted friends or family members who will get a list of websites that you’ve viewed (including the ranking of each site). They are otherwise known as Accountability Partners, so it’s up to you to choose the person you can trust with the information.

Those that have installed Covenant Eyes and have enabled Windows 10 Anniversary Update received a security alert when they go to HTTPS sites e.g. Facebook. Other users that attempted to install Covenant Eyes were unable to and diagnosed that it was the new Windows update that was blocking the installation. The only remedy for this is to have the regular Windows 10 operating system running on your PC.

Break the cycle 

Whether you’re a man or a woman, married or single, Covenant Eyes will help you (or someone you know) deter sexual material from appearing on your computer. When you pay for the monthly service, you get to protect yourself. Being accountable to someone you trust—friend or family member—will discourage a spiral of porn abuse and is a worthwhile investment in the long run.