A free Science & education program for Windows
Convert is a free Windows software, being part of the category Science & education software with subcategory Unit Converters and has been published by Joshmadison.
It’s available for users with the operating system Windows 98 and previous versions, and it is only available in English. The program version is 4.10 and the latest update happened on 8/9/2004.
Since we added this program to our catalog in 2004, it has already achieved 124.039 installations, and last week it gained 53 installations.
About the download, Convert is a pretty light program that doesn’t take up as much storage than many programs in the category Science & education software. It’s a very popular program in many countries such as Indonesia, India, and United States.
Convert is an easy to use unit conversion program that will convert the most popular units of distance, temperature, volume, time, speed, mass, power, density, pressure, energy and many others, including the ability to create custom conversions.