Clips by Apple

by Apple for iOS 8.1.2

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A New Video App

Clips is an app designed by Apple for iPhone and iPad iOS that lets users record and capture quick videos to share with friends. Different from your traditional video recorder, Clips offers users the ability to insert text, graphics, emojis and more into their video before sharing it with friends across a number of different social media platforms.

A New Way to Take and Share Videos

After the success of similar short-form video apps, such as Instagram and Snapchat, Apple has introduced its own version of the short video-recording app with Clips. Simple and easy to get started, users just hold down the record button to capture the video they want. Once they have it, they can take advantage of all the filters and extras the app has to offer. Users can insert emojis, images, text and more. They can even add in music that will automatically adjust to the length of the video.

Share With Your Friends

Once the video has been recorded and edited, users can share it across their favourite social media platforms and sites, such as Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. Clips automatically recognizes the people tagged in the video and offers recommendations on who to send it to. Videos can also be shared directly in iMessage with your closest friends and family. With an easy-to-use interface and fast execution, it’s sure to make it into your folder of favourite apps in no time.