Checkmate: Save While You Shop

by Checkmate Savings Inc. for iOS 16.4

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Checkmate: Save While You Shop

Checkmate: Save While You Shop is a free iPhone application that aims to help users save money while shopping online. With Checkmate, users can automatically apply deals and discounts while browsing on Safari, making sure they never miss out on potential savings.

One of the key features of Checkmate is its ability to collect and apply personal deals that users receive via email. Many online shoppers often forget about these deals, resulting in missed savings. Checkmate solves this problem by collecting and automatically applying these deals, ensuring users always save the highest possible amount.

Checkmate has an extensive database of public codes, making it one of the most comprehensive online savings tools available. It supports over 40,000 popular websites, allowing users to save on their favorite online stores. The application also offers package tracking, allowing users to stay updated on the status of their deliveries.

In addition to saving money, Checkmate also provides a convenient way to manage gift cards. Users can store and apply their gift cards directly within the Checkmate wallet, eliminating the need to carry physical cards or remember codes.

Overall, Checkmate: Save While You Shop is a powerful tool for iPhone users who want to maximize their savings while shopping online. Its automatic deal application, extensive website support, and package tracking feature make it a valuable addition to any online shopper’s arsenal. Download Checkmate now and start saving!