Checkers – Damas APK

by Zyna for Android 9.0

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Checkers – Damas: A Classic Board Game for Your Phone

Checkers, also known as Draughts, is a classic board game that is loved and played all around the world. The Checkers – Damas app, developed by Zyna, provides an exceptional experience of the game on your phone.

The app supports both 1 player and 2 player games, so you can play against friends or test your skills against a challenging computer opponent. It offers five levels of difficulty and different rules to choose from, including International, Spanish, English checkers, and more. The game board types include 10×10, 8×8, and 6×6, making it easy to customize the game to your preferences.

The app also features an intuitive interface design, animated moves, quick response time, and the ability to undo wrong moves. Additionally, the game auto-saves when you exit or receive a phone call, allowing you to pick up right where you left off.

Overall, Checkers – Damas is a must-have for anyone who loves the classic board game. It’s easy to use, highly customizable, and provides an excellent experience of the game on your phone.