ChatKit APK

by studio for Android 9.0

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ChatKit – Simplify Chat UI Development

ChatKit is a free library designed to simplify the development of UI for chat applications. It offers a ready-to-use solution that can be quickly implemented. The library has flexible possibilities for styling, customization, and data management.

One of the main features of ChatKit is its already styled ready-to-use solution, which can save developers time and effort. The library offers default and custom media messages, fully customizable layouts, and different avatars with no specific realization of image loading. Developers can set styles out of the box, use their own colors, text appearances, drawables, selectors, and sizes, or even create their own custom markup and holders for unique behavior.

ChatKit also provides a list of dialogs, including tete-a-tete and group chats, markers for unread messages, and the last user message view. It also has a list of messages (incoming and outgoing) with history pagination and already calculated dates headers. The selection mode allows users to interact with messages, while links are highlighted for easy reading.

Overall, ChatKit is a useful library for developers looking for a simpler way to create chat UIs. With its customizable layouts, ready-to-use solution, and easy-to-use features, developers can save time and effort in creating chat applications.