Capture Clipper – long web page capture tool APK

by fangleness labo for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by fangleness labo.

Capture Clipper – a screen capture tool for web sites.

You can easily call it from your browser’s share menu.

It is a free and open-source tool for capturing and saving Web sites. You can save your captures to the desktop or your hard drive. You can also save them to the cloud, or send them by email.

How to use it:

You can use the same steps with other browsers.

The first time you run it, it will show you a popup window.

After that, you can add websites to your capture by clicking the “Add” button.

When you are done saving, you can open the website in the same way you were before, by pressing the “Open” button.

This tool cannot capture applications such as Facebook, email, games, etc.