Stop the blob falling to his death
Bouncedown is one of those games designed to help long journeys pass by much quicker.
The object of Bouncedown is to survive for as long as possible without falling to the furnace below or knocking yourself on the spikes above. You do this by jumping down from platform to platform. There are different kinds of platforms that have different properties. For instance, some are springy, others disappear when you jump on them, and others are conveyor belts that throw you off the end if you’re not careful.
There are three different control systems to choose from in Bouncedown – Touch, Track, and Tilt. All of these are fairly easy to get to grips with. That’s not to say the game is easy, because staying on the platforms can prove mighty tricky.
Overall, I would describe Bouncedown as a distinctly average puzzle game – the graphics are bright and colorful yet not spectacular, and the gameplay is amusing for a while but then gets very repetitive.
Bouncedown is the kind of game that will bounce onto your iPhone then bounce right off again after a couple of days.
Global high scoresListen to iPod music whilst playingBug fixes
Global high scoresListen to iPod music whilst playingBug fixes