Blur Face: Blur photopicture

by KallosSoft for Android 9.0

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Blur Face: Blur photopicture – A User-Friendly Photo Blurring App

Blur Face is a free Android application developed by KallosSoft, falling under the category of multimedia and subcategory of photography. It allows users to blur out certain parts of a picture or an entire photo. The app is user-friendly, with a pixelation algorithm that guarantees fast and easy blurring.

To start, users can select a photo to blur. Once selected, the app detects the faces in the picture, which can then be blurred or unblurred with a simple click. Additionally, users can add blur areas manually if needed. Once the desired areas are blurred, the user can save the image to the gallery.

Overall, Blur Face is a simple and effective tool for those looking to blur certain parts of their photos. Its user-friendly interface and fast pixelation algorithm make it a top choice among photo blurring apps.