Blur Background Photo Editor APK

by Pixels Dev Studio for Android 13.0

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Blur Background Photo Editor for android from Pixels Dev Studio

Blur Background Photo Editor is a great tool to blur the image background of your pictures. If you want to give a beautiful and professional look to your pictures, then you should use this app. The tool has a simple and user-friendly interface and is very easy to use.

The user can select the blur intensity and the blue color from the palette that is available in the application. Once the user has selected the desired color, he or she can select the area of the picture that he or she wants to be blurred. This is done by selecting the appropriate area using the tools provided in the application. After selecting the desired area, the user can save the image or share it on social networks.

The application has many options that allow the user to do many things. These options include the following:

  • Zoom
  • Flexible brush
  • Unblur
  • Reset
  • Undo


Blur Background Photo Editor also has many options that allow the user to do many things.