Blitz Brigade – Online FPS fun

by Gameloft for Android 9.0

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Have Fun Destroying All Before You

Blitz Brigade is an all-action first person shooter game. Take control of one of five different classes of fighter and attempt to destroy all other players in your path or team up with them! Play with a great range of weapons and enjoy crisp colouful graphics.

Fun and Frenzied Cartoon Violence

The smart and colouful cartoon graphics of Blitz Brigade provide a crisp gaming experience. There are 100+ weapons on offer and with up to 12 players all fighting at once the action can become frenzied. The 5 classes of available characters are: soldier gunner medic sniper and stealth each of these classes has a range of weapons unique to themselves. Another thrilling addition to the action is the ability to jump into a vehicle such as a tank or helicopter and blow your opponents to hell! With over 120 different missions to take on there’s also decent scope for a lasting game.

A Fast Fighting Experience

Blitz Brigade is an addictive high-octane game that has a good range of unique classes to master. With so many weapons on offer as well as some extremely destructive vehicles it becomes great fun to simply destroy everyone on screen! The numerous unique missions give players good scope for a long-lasting experience.