Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus APK

by Bitdefender for Android 13.0

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Mobile anti-malware and VPN service

Bitdefender Mobile is a security and privacy application that provides cloud-based malware detection and smart antitheft services. It allows you to use your web browser quickly and anonymously with its built-in VPN. It can alert you of any security breaches and allows you to remotely locate, lock, and wipe your smartphone in case of loss or theft. The Bitdefender mobile app ensures complete protection of your online activity and private information. Should any suspicious activity be detected, you will be alerted in real-time. Its multitude of security features can protect your data, all while having minimal impact on your smartphone’s battery life. 

Vigilant mobile security 

The Bitdefender dashboard displays the security status of your device even at first launch. This is because Bitdefender has autopilot turned on by default. The feature acts as a security advisor, providing contextual recommendations based on the apps and pages you use. On the same dashboard, you will see a status card. This will inform you of the phone’s security status through a color-coded system. The color green means there are no warnings, and red suggests that an issue has been detected. 

The bottom navigation bar gives you access to its other features. The app offers tools for protection, performance, and privacy. You can request the app to scan your device, making sure that all your apps have not been compromised. You can also protect your information even without holding your device. Using your Bitdefender account, you can stop hackers and phishers from getting seeing the information stored on your phone.

Bitdefender for mobile lock and account privacy features allow you to feel immune to online threats and thieves. Features such as the built-in virtual private network, password keys, and malware detection allow you to protect your online presence and other valuable information. Overall, the Bitdefender Mobile Security and Antivirus is loaded with valuable information and features that will help you protect all your important data.