Bike Mayhem

by Best Free Games Inc. for iOS 12.1.2

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Bike Mayhem – A New Kind of Competitive Bike-Based Game

Bike Mayhem is a new kind of competitive bike-based game where you will get to play on 20 unique mountains and more than 100 unique tracks. The best thing is that you don’t have to compete against other users, but against yourself. You will get a lot of challenges along the way that will allow you to grow as a player and get to know your limits and abilities.

The game is based on a realistic bike, which means that it has to be managed with the utmost care and precision. The most important thing in this game is balance and stability, and all the controls will be available to help you. All the levels are very intense and will have a lot of levels to keep you on your toes and to give you the urge to play again.