Beer Pong

by Visit Website for iOS 12.1.2

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You lose, you drink

Drinking games are great fun at the time but they invariably end in tears. Play Beer Pong and you’ll have the thrill of doing something dumb without the repercussions.

Beer Pong (Beirut) is an old favorite among binge drinkers that requires a steady hand and a good aim. Each player (in this case you and the CPU opponent) starts with an arrangement of six plastic cups of beer on the table in front of them. You each take it in turn to throw a ping pong ball across the table in an attempt to get into one of your opponent’s cups. If you succeed, the other person has to down the beer and the cup is removed. The winner is the first person to clear the other person’s cups.

Of course, in the real game of Beer Pong the game is made all the more hilarious by the fact that you’re both slowly getting inebriated and it becomes increasingly hard to aim your shots. This iPhone version of Beer Pong doesn’t have quite the same level of fun to it. In fact, it’s a little tedious if anything. The ball physics aren’t particularly great, the graphics are lame, and the soundtrack seems to have a mind of its own in terms of when it decides to start playing.

The fact that there is a Beer Pong high scores table does make the game a little more long-lasting but you’ll quickly realize there’s no way you’ll better the top times on there.

If you plan to get drunk while you play Beer Pong then you might enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn’t bother too much with it.