Avalanche Forecasts

by Sierra Avalanche Center for iOS 16.4

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Real-Time Avalanche Danger Updates with Avalanche Forecasts

Avalanche Forecasts is a free iPhone app developed by Sierra Avalanche Center. This lifestyle app falls under the weather category and provides users with real-time updates on avalanche danger levels.

With Avalanche Forecasts, it’s easy to stay informed about the current danger levels in North America. The app allows users to select their desired timeframe (Today, Tomorrow, or 2 Days Out) and view color-coded danger levels on a map. Each region can be clicked on to access detailed avalanche forecasts from the respective forecasting center.

The app supports forecasts from over 20 centers, including NWAC, CAIC, UAC, SAC, ESAC, MSAC, BAC, BTAC, GNFAC, WCMAC, FAC, SNFAC, IPAC, PAC, MWAC, KPAC, TAC, WAC, CNFAIC, JAC, AAC, HAIC, VAC, Cordova, HPAC, Avalanche Canada, Parks Canada, WhistlerBlackcomb, VIAC, and Avalanche Quebec. This wide coverage ensures users can access information no matter where they are.

Please note that for feature suggestions, bug reports, or other feedback, users can contact the developer at