
by Filesharingbyemail for Windows ME

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Share files on your computer with others, through a basic email account

Autosend is a shareware that lets you share files on your computer with others, through a basic email account. It is the solution you need for sharing files with people who do not have access to FTP, IRC, NEWS, PEER TO PEER, are behind firewalls… Or if you do not want to setup a complicated FTP or HTTP server. It is valuable if you want to share a lot of small files and only have a small storage online, all the shared files stay on your computer. It can also give you a remote access to yourself !

Autosend is a file server. Everything is provided to share files through e-mail. People request files by mail (the subject of the mail is the name of the file requested) and the files requested are sent back immediately by mail as attachments, automatically.