Autoblocker Enhanced (With warband autoblock support)

by Erik9631 for

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A free mod for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, by Erik9631.

Autoblocker Enhanced (With warband autoblock support) is an add-on for the game Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. It is a mod for the game that allows you to set a key that will block the target if you press your right mouse button. It works for all the targets, even archers and bosses.

The key can be set to any of the keys on your keyboard, or to the numpad keys or something else. It works even if you are using a shield.

The mod also has a settings page where you can set your assist type. The settings are similar to the ones in previous games. The mod will automatically load the settings file when you start the game. You can change the settings at any time.