Argo – Boating Navigation

by Argo Navigation LLC for iOS 16.4

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Free maritime navigational application for smartphones

Argo – Boating Navigation is a freely downloadable mobile phone application that allows sailing enthusiasts to accurately plan routes around North America. It is also possible to access social features in order to meet and communicate with other sailors.

Just as GPS Tracker by FollowMee has been designed for vehicles, Argo employs many of the same principles when dealing with maritime directions. This app is suitable for novices and experienced boaters alike.

An impressive array of basic features

Argo offers several utilities at no charge. These include NOAA charts, automatic destination routing, current weather conditions, and a built-in captain’s log. These can all be accessed with the click of a button.

Premium options

A paid version of Argo – Boating Navigation is also available. Subscribers can enjoy additional options, such as offline charts and an accurate seven-day extended weather forecast. Not that all free amenities are included.

Personalized trip planning

Argo is much more than a static map. It instead allows users to choose the most relevant course and explore various navigational solutions. Likewise, they can view the anticipated travel time and when they will expect to arrive at a specific destination.

A Safe way to have fun on the open seas

Not only does Argo – Boating Navigation offer a host of practical utilities, but it provides a means to connect with other enthusiasts. Its social side is comparable to other smartphone apps, such as WeChat or Viber. Those who wish to make the most out of their maritime experience are encouraged to take a closer look.