Arabic Voice typing Keyboard

by Smart object for Android 9.0

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Arabic Voice Typing Keyboard Review

Arabic Voice Typing Keyboard is a free Android application developed by Smart Object. It is a keyboard designed for Arabic speakers, which allows users to type Arabic content with ease. The keyboard has a beautiful design with a stylish Arabic theme and HD background wallpaper. It also brings a lot of features to increase Arabic vocabulary and works like the Arabic translator.

One of the primary features of the keyboard is the Arabic voice typing feature, which allows users to speak instead of typing. The keyboard instantly converts spoken words into the desired language selected from the list menu. Additionally, users can switch between Arabic and English keyboard modes. The keyboard also contains an English and Arabic dictionary feature, which makes it easier for users to find the meaning of difficult words within a single tap.

Arabic Voice Typing Keyboard also offers over 10 color themes, Arabic HD wallpapers, and supports conversation through stickers and emojis. It is a fast typing keyboard and supports more than 30 languages, including Spanish, French, and Portuguese. The keyboard helps users to increase their Arabic vocabulary and learn the language. The keyboard is available for free download on the Google Play Store.