Manage and optimize your running applications
Application Enhancer is a small application that can help you customize and rearrange the way you use applications and programs on the Mac.
The aim of Application Enhancer is to improve the running of applications by altering their behaviour without touching the core system. Application Enhancer ultimately aims to enhance both the running and use of applications running on your system. Application Enhancer works by loading plug-ins (known as Application Enhancer modules) into running applications.
Once loaded, these modules perform the modifications you require such as redefining the minimize window action or customizing the standard Apple menu. The positive thing is that it never modifies anything on your disk – all modifications are made virtually so there’s no risk of long term damage should something go wrong. There are many different modules you can load into Application Enhancer depending on what you want to modify. However, while some them are useful, many of them amount to nothing more than a bit of resizing that’s not going to make a major difference to your working life.
Application Enhancer is an interesting application that attempts to modify programs in a very subtle way although it’s ultimate usefulness is questionable.