AnimeRace FalloutSama Mod

by lazyradly for Windows 10

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Anime Race For Fallout 4

Animerace FalloutSama is a fan made mod for the game known as Fallout Shelter from the makers of Vanusoft’s Aion and New Vegas. If you have played the games before, you will notice that the avatar is missing a face (thus the name). This mod was made for people who are familiar with the games but do not remember their favorite races or genders. It also was made to make the players feel like they have a character from that series by giving them a unique skin and facial features.

Animerace FalloutSama has two different versions, one is the basic free version and the other is the upgrade for the basic version. The main difference between the two is that the basic mod simply gives you a generic anime face while the premium add on gives you your favorite character’s hair style, voice, and eye color. The difference in price is minimal at only $4. But the real value of this addon is that it allows you to experience the anime art through your character, giving you a more genuine experience and making the game much more fun to play because you actually feel like the characters in the anime.

Animerace has been downloaded more than nine hundred times and has hundreds of reviews from happy users. One reviewer said, I feel like this is the best mod for an anime lover. It adds so much detail and personality to your character, it makes me feel like I’m playing a character in an anime show. Animerace is very easy to install using a PXELoader script, and as someone who has used it before and loves the work it does, I know it is well worth the little extra cost.