Animal crossing fountain

by for Android 13.0

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Animal Crossing Fountain: A Fun Adventure Game

Animal Crossing Fountain is an adventure game that is available for Android devices. Developed by, this game is completely free to play. The game is set up as a fountain crossing challenge where you have to choose the right door from four options. You can play as a cow, elephant, lion, or bear, which gives you four different players to control.

The aim of the game is to pass at least one animal across the fountain to clear the level. You must also ensure that none of the animals fall off the platform or touch any of the obstacles. The game offers a simple interface that is easy to navigate. Just click the “Start Game” button to begin.

The game is challenging and requires strategy and quick reflexes to win. It is fun to play and suitable for all ages. Overall, Animal Crossing Fountain is an enjoyable adventure game that offers hours of entertainment.