American Theft 80s

by Noble Muffins for Windows 8

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An open-world stealth game about robbing in the 80s

American Theft 80s is an open-world game in which the player must use stealth to successfully rob a variety of places in the world, from homes to banks. The game is set in the 1980s, and the marquee promise of the developers is that “every house, bank, shop, and museum can be robbed with the right tools.”

The game uses a third-person perspective, giving it a lot in common — both visually and tonally — with Grand Theft Auto V. The crime aspect of the game is not new to the developers, however, as they are also responsible for Thief Simulator.

Become a notorious criminal

The premise of American Theft 80s is straightforward enough in that the player takes on the role of a thief in 1980s America and must steal things to progress. The game boasts that any building can be robbed if the player has the right tools, from simple homes to museums and even banks.

Stealth gameplay

The core game mechanic at play in American Theft 80s is, of course, stealth. There are many ways to rob various buildings, but stealth is crucial to success in most cases. The player will have their pick of items to steal, with object value being authentic to the 1980s. For example, VCR players are big ticket items in a lot of cases.

A detailed game that doesn’t take itself too seriously

Fans of the developer’s other game, Thief Simulator, will find much to enjoy about this game, as the developers have essentially built on those foundations and expanded from there. Similarly, fans of the Grand Theft Auto games may see it as a smaller version of those games.