The First Spin-Off Game for the Popular Comedy Show
American Dad! Apocalypse Soon is the hilarious role-playing mobile video game spin-off of the popular American animated sitcom American Dad! by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman. The show itself focuses on the Smith family and their three housemates, an eccentric upper-middle-class household living in the fictional community of Langley Falls, Virginia. In American Dad! Apocalypse Soon, the Smiths have to face off against a myriad of American’s greatest and most annoying enemies by using their army of alien clones.
Your Average Family
American Dad! tells the story of an unconventional family living in America. The patriarch, Stan Smith, is an exaggeratedly patriotic CIA Agent. His stay-at-home wife Francine is the hypocritical nagger of the family. Their two children are Hayley, their new-age hippie daughter going to college, and Steve, their nerdy and wimpy son in high school. Meanwhile, the three other housemates of the Smith family are Roger Smith, a runaway alien who is a master in disguise; Klaus Heissler, the family pet goldfish who happens to have the mind of an East German Olympic ski-jumper; and Jeff Fischer, Hayley’s slacker boyfriend who had to endure wacky and dangerous adventures concerning the family. The show has 17 seasons as of 2019 and American Dad! Apocalypse Soon is its very first venture into video gaming.
One Family to Save the World
In this mobile game spin-off, trouble has come to Langley Falls and Stan’s family. Aliens have invaded the town, and various villains hold Stan’s family as hostages. Stan has to make use of a cloning device to multiply Roger the alien to fight back the overwhelming forces threatening to subdue Langley Falls. American Dad! Apocalypse Soon functions as a building video game, similar to Fallout Shelter and Hustle Castle. To play the game, players need to build an underground base filled with rooms that can help them in their cause. For example, the kitchen will let them create and stock food for stamina. The underground bank, on the other hand, lets them generate money. They can use the money to buy weapons and gear that they can use to equip Roger clones. In addition to functional rooms, players will also need to consider the state of the house as it affects the overall happiness of everyone living in it. The happiness of the people living in the house greatly affects their productivity with whatever jobs assigned to them.
Great For Casual Players
Overall, American Dad! Apocalypse Soon can be pretty addictive for any fan of the show who happens to like management games. This game is considered a strategy RPG, but the strategy is applied more on the base construction and resource management aspects, so don’t expect much on the combat. However, there’s also a PvP arena in the game so you can test your trained Roger clones and their equipment against other Roger clones. This is definitely a good first game for the series.