Alternate Character Creation Lighting Mod

by BobG123 for Windows 10

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Alternate Character Creation Lighting Mod

I’ve been playing cyberpunk games for years now, and while I don’t like playing as a character who runs around and gets into fights (mostly because I get bored very quickly), I have played plenty of times with a character who doesn’t have a great deal of skills or power. There are some great game mods out there that can give you an alternative to the green tint the player has in the game simply because he doesn’t have a lot of abilities. For example, the Cyberpunk Rising mod gives the player a ‘glass body’ which is much like the one the augmented soldiers wear in the video game. There are some cool perks associated with having a glass body; some can allow you to block more damage, heal during VATS downtime, and even get hacking bonuses, or special moves that let you do different things than other players.

I’ve enjoyed playing the non-cybernetic types so much, in fact, that I’ve started looking for cool alternate character creation lighting for this type of characters, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a whole bunch of Cyberpunk novels that I’d love to get started with! With the new lighting system that these mods give you, it looks like we might finally get to see the bad guys with the cool neon colors. One of my favorite Cyberpunk novels is the Metal Age series by Robert E. Howard; I’m especially fond of” Pandora”.

If you have the Dark Ones as your class, you will probably want to use Cyberpunk Rising’s no green tint of lighting, but if you’re not using a green class character, you might want to stick with a vanilla tint so you don’t look like the developers forgot to change something. The vanilla tint gives you all the stats you need without having to waste sex or money on items and leveling up; the green tint lets you customize your character and gives you the stats that you really need. The green tint will also let you see glowing particles that are similar to the cyber vision from the canceled game Cyberpunk 2077. Either way, I recommend the use of the alternate character creation lighting for this awesome feature of the game. This will really make your character stand out.