Alpha Islami Life Insurance Lt: A Mobile Application for Policy Holders
Alpha Islami Life Insurance Lt is a free mobile application available on Android platforms. This insurance application is designed to enhance the usability and functionality of Alpha Islami Life Insurance Policy holders and Employees.
The application provides detailed information about the company profile, mission, vision, and core values. It also offers a list of the board of directors and management team. The app’s main feature is the online payment system, which allows policyholders to pay their premiums directly from their mobile devices. Additionally, the app includes a premium calculator, application form, and notice board.
The policyholder login feature allows policyholders to access their policy details and keep track of their investments. Furthermore, the development officer login feature is available for employees. The contact us feature provides users with the company’s contact information and office locations. Overall, Alpha Islami Life Insurance Lt is a user-friendly mobile application that offers convenient access to Alpha Islami’s insurance services.