ALEXBANK Mobile Banking

by ALEXBANK for Android 9.0

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ALEXBANK Mobile Banking: Faster, Easier, and Secure Banking Experience

ALEXBANK Mobile Banking is a full version Android application that offers a faster, easier, and secure banking experience. With this app, you can easily monitor all your balances and transactions, including accounts, debit cards, loans, time deposits, and certificates of deposits. The app also provides a Touch ID log-in feature for added security.

One of the best features of ALEXBANK Mobile Banking is the O-Key link, which allows you to transfer funds quickly and easily to your own accounts or to other accounts inside Egypt. You can also view and settle your credit card dues, transfer funds to your own or your family and friends’ wallets, and pay all your bills through Fawry. The app is available in both English and Arabic, making it accessible to a wider audience.

To register, there are two easy ways: you can contact ALEXBANK on 19033, and their customer service team will assist you in registering, logging in, and transacting without leaving your home. Alternatively, you can visit your nearest branch, and a customer service officer will get you online in minutes. Please note that this app is available for retail customers only.