Alchemy Network Monitor

by Mishelpers for Windows XP

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Get notified if your network goes down

First of all Alchemy Network Monitor has nothing to do with Alchemy or bubbling potions in labs. It’s all about administering and monitoring servers to ensure that if there are any problems, you are notified immediately.

The program utilises several protocols such as TCP/IP, ICMP (ping), IPX/SPX, POP3, smtp, Oracle and MySQL to continually monitor the status of your network. If it detects any problems or if the sever goes down, Alchemy Network Monitor can warn the network administrator via mobile phone SMS or email. This is great for those who have to monitor a network but don’t want to be stuck in the office all day or need instant recovery of networks 24/7. Whatsmore, it generates a report of exactly what went wrong and where so you can get down to the important job of solving the problem immediately.

Configuring it to monitor your network will require a considerable degree of network knowledge. Setting it up to notify your phone is easy though. Just use the default e-mail address given to you by your mobile network provider as the contact with which Alchemy Network Monitor can send messages to. However, if you don’t have this address, you can also use a special plugin for Network Monitor which allows you to send alerts directly to your pager or cell phone. The one you need is the Alchemy Alert plugin. Alternatively, you can also use the program to launch external programs that can send SMS’s such as Skype or other 3rd party software. An excellent network monitoring program that will prove a Godsend to Network Administrators on the move.

It is estimated that network failures cost 3-5 billion dollars to companies each year. In fact, most surveys show that an average network administrator reports 3 to 15 serious network malfunctions annually.

Yet most of these problems could be easily avoided – if the administrator had proper network monitoring software installed. Alchemy Network Monitor is a network monitoring tool that continuously monitors network server availability and performance, and alerts the network administrator in the event of network errors BEFORE these problems get seriously out of hand.