
by Abfall for Android 13.0

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Never Miss a Garbage Collection with abfallwelt App

abfallwelt is a free Android app developed by Abfall that reminds users of all garbage collection dates in the Kitzingen district. With this app, users can easily set up reminders for their Restabfalltonne, Biotonne, Papiertonne, and Gelber Sack. It also includes dates for mobile collections of problem waste, tires, and plastics. Users can select their location, set their preferred reminder time, and have the garbage collection always in sight. This innovative service is provided by the Kitzinger district’s Municipal Waste Management.

The app offers various features, such as the ability to customize reminders, filter by waste bin type, and receive notifications via the notification center. Additionally, the app considers holidays and weekly Biotonne emptying during summer months. The app also includes many additional features, such as information on waste management in the Kitzingen district, locations of waste disposal sites, practical helpers for waste disposal, and current news on waste management.

abfallwelt is easy to use, and users can start using it by downloading, installing, and registering for free. It is ideal for house managers, property management companies, and individuals who want to stay on top of their garbage collection schedule.