Радио Голос истины: First Independent Internet Radio Broadcasting Truth
Радио Голос истины is the first independent internet radio broadcasting truth. It offers round-the-clock broadcasting in Russian, with direct broadcasts, interesting guests, and relevant topics. The radio station is apolitical, making it a unique project that provides listeners with a wealth of knowledge, improves their character, and strengthens their faith.
In addition to the main channel, this has three other channels within the app. The first is “Furkan,” which reads the Quran 24 hours a day. The second is “Read,” which provides knowledge in Arabic, and the third is “Native,” which broadcasts in national languages.
One of the unique features of this app is that all radio stations can be listened to on low internet speeds without compromising the quality of the audio. Whether you’re driving or relaxing in nature, you can listen to the radio broadcast anywhere there is a mobile internet connection (with a speed of 24 kbps or higher). The app also displays the number of listeners, and you can choose one of three stream quality options.