
by Pollensoftware for Windows 98

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Get organised with this efficient task management system

Support for mouse wheel navigationFaster animations


  • Support for mouse wheel navigationFaster animations

With programs like Task-O-Matic around we could be seeing the death of the post-it note. The software can manage all sorts of lists, be it a task list, a to-do list, shopping list or even a Christmas wish list.

Task-O-Matic allows you to prioritize the items on your list, and will automatically sort your list according to the priority of each item. Creating priority lists also helps you to remember things, achieve set goals, maintain hobbies, appointments and leads to achieving more.

Task-O-Matic also allows you to add date-based list items. For instance, you might need to have a report done by a certain date. You can enter the task into Task-O-Matic with the date as the priority base. This means that as the date approaches the priority will continue to rise, therefore moving up your list of prioritised items.

For each item you can enter task information, and see the information of any item in your list by simply moving the mouse over it (a tool tip help will pop up containing your description), or click on the ´Show Task Information button´ to expand the list item to include the information box.

Each task item can have a file associated with it. This means, while reviewing your task list you can go directly to a file associated with a particular task. The interface is also skinable, meaning you can have fun fiddling with the appearance of your new personal secretary.