GNU Emacs

by The Fw Software Foundation for Mac OS X

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Free Text Editor for Coders

GNU Emacs is a special programme that is designed to make text editing a breeze. This is ideal for coders and programmers who are working with different interfaces and looking for a way to translate and edit their work quickly and conveniently so that it can run in the format of their choice smoothly and efficiently.

Time to Get Coding

One of the great things about GNU Emacs is that users can customise it in a wide range of different ways to create the exact look and feel that they want. The programme comes with a command line interface that is particularly easy to use, while users can opt for the graphical user interface if they prefer. The integrated Lisp dialect also paves the way for smooth customisations that people who have been stuck with rather rigid and inflexible text editing programmes in the past are sure to find a breath of fresh air.

Are You one with the GNU?

Although getting to grips with GNU Emacs can take a bit of time and patience, users who make the effort are sure to be glad that they did. Not only is this software free of charge, it comes complete with fully customisable options so that the user is able to manipulate to meet their individual needs and there are numerous different types of applications that GNU Emacs can be used for.