Document Scanner QR Code Scan

by abc developers for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by abc developers.

This is a free barcode scanner app that is capable of scanning all kinds of QR codes. You can use it to browse through the Internet and find all the links that are available on the Internet. You can also use it to browse through a website and get all the information that is available on that website. The best part of this app is that it is free and that you can use it without having to pay a penny.

How to use this app?

To use this app, you need to first install it on your device. Once you have installed it, you can use it to scan the codes that you want. To do this, you need to first select the type of code that you want to scan. You can choose between QR codes and barcodes. Next, you need to select the code that you want to scan. You can do this by either pressing the “QR” button or the “Barcode” button. You will now be able to see all the information that is contained in the code that you have selected.