FIFA Interpreting

by Federation Internationale de Football Association for iOS 16.4

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Free-to-use tool for interpreter access

FIFA Interpreting is a free sports utility that helps fans around the world enjoy FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar even more. This translator lets you listen to the interpretation of the speaker announcement in the language of your choice. Additionally, it has a couple of Help options to improve your experience watching the global football event.

Aside from being an official FIFA app and having a streamlined layout with easy-to-see buttons, FIFA Interpreting is a fun app for foreigners visiting the host country. Complete your FIFA 2022 arsenal with FIFA World Cup 2022 Tickets or FIFA Mobile: FIFA World Cup.

Hear FIFA announcements in major languages

For starters, FIFA Interpreting comes in the four major official languages used by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA): English, French, German, and Spanish. However, it connects with the language support that’s native to your device, allowing users from more countries to hear and understand the FIFA announcement better. The app also has support for troubleshooting audio quality in your device.

Also, fans are given an event login code. By using unique codes, you gain access to a specific event, customizing the content and streamlining your access to important announcements. As with the audio output, the app also has a dedicated help section to assist guests in finding the event venue. This is on top of the match schedules and locations readily available from the home page.

While it makes good progress in bridging the language barrier among football fans, the app itself still could use more work. The app doesn’t extend the same language support it does for its translating capability. It could use more languages in terms of the interface. Additionally, users report instances where the event login code isn’t read by the app, requiring them to try again or restart the app.

Handy for football fans anywhere

For guests of the FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar, the FIFA Interpreting app is a must-have. Apart from the primary languages FIFA uses, it lets you receive announcement translations to languages you have installed on your devices. This way, fans of football games remain updated on the latest developments in the league and on the games they play. Aside from a few restrictions, it’s largely helpful for World Cup fans.