Aurora speed car APK

by Aisea cox for Android 7.0

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A free, unstructured third-person racing game

Aurora speed car is a very basic racing game in which you are given two tracks and asked to race against other cars that you cannot see. It is like a driving simulator, except that it asks you to race other NPC drivers. The aim of the game is to navigate tracks as quickly as possible and beat your score.

The marketing for this game paints it as another GT Racing 2, but its graphics are closer to the 2007 Bus Driver game. The car you drive is three-dimensional, but you only see the back end. As you drive, you are told your current position in the race.

Not as advertised

The graphics on this game’s marketing and screenshots are computer generated and massively overstated. You do drive from a third-person perspective, as shown in the marketing, but there are no lighting, shadow, reflective, or particle effects in this car racing app.

Controlling the car

There is a steering wheel on the left that you can control with a single-stick control or by manipulating it with a touchscreen. An accelerator pedal and a brake are on the right of the screen. Carefully press on the accelerator to go forwards, and slow your momentum with the brake.

Has copyright and licensing issues

The cars in this game have a very passing resemblance to the Aurora speed cars, but the game has been de-platformed because of its name. The makers of model Aurora speed cars hold the rights to the name, and they didn’t give permission for this game to use the name.

A short and speedy thrill

If you manage to get your hands on this game, then it offers a passing fancy to those who like the touchscreen wheel and pedal controls. It gives driving that extra nuance. But, its lack of content and underwhelming graphics may leave some feeling unsatisfied.