BATTLE and ASSORTED GEARS Micheal Trevor Franklin

by ARYANtheAG for

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A free mod for Grand Theft Auto V, by ARYANtheAG.

BATTLE and ASSORTED GEARS are a collection of modified in-game character look. With this, thanks to the cool modular gears, you will have a futuristic appearance.

This mod will give the three characters, Micheal, Travel, and Franklin, a new appearance. Franklin will have a tac helmet,  tactical body armor, forearm, hood and shoulder, and gas mask.

Micheal will be wearing a tac helmet,  tactical body armor, Torso, forearms, goggles, gunbelt, no radio, half gas mask with large filters, closed face helmet, open face helmet, and shoulder.

Trevor will have a tac helmet, tactical body armor, Torso, Spike buff boots, gas mask forearms, goggles, gunbelt, no handset on radio, helmet, pants, shinguards, and shoulder stuff in either octocamo or black.